criminal record. Coincidence? Nope (you may think so if you are a rich
white male with connections and laws don't apply to you)
But I live in the real world and I am lower class, I am starting to
see how america's system is designed to keep people down.
I am sure most rappers were normal teens who got misdeamenors and
felonies for silly stuff. In the state of VA you can get a misdeamenor
for going 17 and above, even if its an interstate. So a young teen
just letting his new car loose while the highway is safe has to have a
misdeamenor on his record due to reckless driving. Interstates are
like 65mph which means 82mph will land you in the slammer. The fine is
like $1000, you serve jail time and you get a class 1 misdeamenor. My
cousin just went through the whole process, now he has to pay more
money to see if he can get it expunged.
Then my oldest cousin forgot his registered gun in his car and went to
NJ, well that was an automatic felony. Really good guy who just always
keeps his gun along with his VA concealed permit in his car. Was
working on his masters and had a good life ahead of him, now he has a
felony for possesing a weapon in a non friendly gun state. What's even
crazier is why he got pulled over. The cops told him he looked
suspicious, in cop term it really means "your car is too expensive,
you have out of state plates and you are black so we will search this
So as you can see the law is designed to keep good lower class people
down. Now my 2 cousins probably have to start a company to make a
living or sell drugs because no employer nowadays wants to hire anyone
with a criminal record.
And you know what really bugs the crap outta me, when people like
Tpain and 50 cent do make it those same white people bash them and
tell them they should donate more. Tpain bought and expensive chain
and everyone was angry, how the eff you gonna tell someone how to
spend their money after they struggled in your corrupt system to
finally make it?!! The nerve of some people...smh
Well that's the end of my rany. Laws are different in other countries
and you have to do something drastic to get a felony. A graduate
student with a licensed gun in his trunk is not drastic, but hey
anything to keep the lower class down and unemployed right?
I bet you a rich white man with MD or JD on his license plate wouldn't
even be stopped much less have his car searched....smhyeah and go
ahead and call me the racist for telling the truth!
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